Immerse yourself in the captivating melodies of "Tideline," a musical journey crafted by the talented duo Darol Anger and Barbara Higbie. Released in 1982, this LP showcases the enchanting harmonies between violin and piano, capturing the essence of a timeless performance on high-quality vinyl.
The record, in its classic black color, carries the unique blend of instrumental prowess that Anger and Higbie bring to the table. With a 12" record size, the LP format ensures a rich and full-bodied listening experience, perfect for those who appreciate the intricate art of vinyl. Whether it's for your ears or your collection, "Tideline" is a testament to the beauty of acoustic music.
Immerse yourself in the captivating melodies of "Tideline," a musical journey crafted by the talented duo Darol Anger and Barbara Higbie. Released in 1982, this LP showcases the enchanting harmonies between violin and piano, capturing the essence of a timeless performance on high-quality vinyl.
The record, in its classic black color, carries the unique blend of instrumental prowess that Anger and Higbie bring to the table. With a 12" record size, the LP format ensures a rich and full-bodied listening experience, perfect for those who appreciate the intricate art of vinyl. Whether it's for your ears or your collection, "Tideline" is a testament to the beauty of acoustic music.
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