This riveting novel by Helen Macinnes, titled Hidden Target, takes readers on a thrilling adventure through history. Set in the United States, this mass market paperback edition published by Random House Publishing Group in 1982 is a must-read for fans of historical fiction.
The story follows a non-classifiable and fiction genre, featuring general topics and illustrated features. With an item weight of 6.6 ounces, this novel is a great addition to any book collection. Don't miss out on the excitement that Hidden Target has to offer!
This riveting novel by Helen Macinnes, titled Hidden Target, takes readers on a thrilling adventure through history. Set in the United States, this mass market paperback edition published by Random House Publishing Group in 1982 is a must-read for fans of historical fiction.
The story follows a non-classifiable and fiction genre, featuring general topics and illustrated features. With an item weight of 6.6 ounces, this novel is a great addition to any book collection. Don't miss out on the excitement that Hidden Target has to offer!
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